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What's Killing India? Knowing Top 10 Killer Death Diseases in India

With the advancement in medical and healthcare industry, a lot has changed in India. Many fatal diseases have been exterminated with invention of powerful vaccinations and treatment courses.

  • 04 Jan 2021
  • 3 min read

India has seen significant changes due to advancements in the medical and healthcare industries. The development of effective immunizations and treatment plans, coupled with the importance of health insurance, has led to the eradication of many deadly diseases. However, the country is still challenged by some killer diseases that just don't seem to declare exodus.

Here is a list of top ten killer death diseases in India:

  1. Cardiovascular Diseases

This amounts to about 24.8% deaths in the country. Although preventable, the disease is killing more people each year. Understanding the causes and following precautions can help preventing the disease and possibility of death among individuals. It is surprising that heart diseases in India occur 10-15 years earlier than in the west.

Causes of Cardiovascular Diseases

1. Use of tobacco
2. Diet, physical inactivity, and obesity
3. High cholesterol and high blood pressure
4. Heredity

Prevention Methods

1. Quit smoking and use of tobacco
2. Eat a heart healthy diet
3. Maintain healthy weight


  1. Respiratory Diseases

These diseases account for 10.2% deaths in India. According to a survey, India accounts for 47 per cent of global measles death!

Causes of Respiratory Diseases

1. Smoking
2. Air pollution
3. Silica dust, Asbesto, grain dust

Prevention Methods
1. Stay active, make sure your workplace is safe
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Breathe deeply
4. Quit smoking


  1. Tuberculosis

The disease accounts for 10.1% deaths in the country.

Causes of Tuberculosis

1. Contagious causes

Prevention Methods

1. Vaccination with BCG vaccine
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Regular preventative tests


  1. Malignant and Other Tumours

About 9.4% people in India die due to malignant and other tumours. Here is a list of causes of tumour development in the body:

Causes of Tumours

1. Chemical or toxic compound exposures
2. Ionizing radiation
3. Pathogens
4. Genetics
5. Some unknown causes

Prevention Methods

1. Avoid tobacco usage
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Maintain a healthy weight and stay active
4. Get regular medical care and immunization


  1. Illdefined Conditions

It is sad but true that around 5.3% population in India die due to III defined conditions due to unknown and undetermined.

Prevention Methods

1. Get regular medical care


  1. Digestive Diseases

    Disorders related to digestive system accounts to 5.1% of deaths in India. The major cause is negligence of people while consuming food.

Causes of Digestive Diseases

1. Unhealthy food
2. Medications: Aspirin
3. Alcohol and tobacco abuse

Prevention Methods

1. Quit smoking and void use of alcohol
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Exercise lightly 5 days week
4. Avoid daily use of aspirin, sulpha drugs, and steroids


  1. Diarrheal Diseases

    About 5.0% people in India die of diarrheal diseases.

Causes of Diarrheal Diseases

1. Food poisoning (bacterial infection)
2. Eating foods that upset the digestive system; allergic food
3. Medications and radiation therapy

Prevention Methods

1. Wash hands frequently
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Quit alcohol


  1. Unintentional Injuries

    Accidents cause 4.6% of deaths across the nation. India is rated as the number 1 country when it comes to deaths in road accidents!

Causes of Unintentional Injuries

1. Accidents/disasters

Prevention Methods

1. Drive carefully
2. Carry a first aid kit


  1. Intentional Self Harm

    Suicide is the second most cause of death among Indians aged 15-29 years. It accounts to 3.0% of total deaths in India.

Causes of Intentional Self Harm

1. Suicide

Prevention Methods

1. Don't stress yourself
2. Talk to loved ones
3. Rehabilitation and counselling

Also read:

10. Malaria
This fatal disease causes 2.8% of total disease related deaths in India. A survey report has revealed that about 95% of country’s population resides in malaria endemic areas.

Causes of Malaria
1. Parasite transmission by mosquitoes

Prevention Methods
1. Avoid travelling to unhygienic places
2. Avoid mosquito bite
3. Use mosquito repellent cream

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